I wish I could show you pictures from Willcox but I seem to have lost my wonderful Canon point and shoot in Willcox. RIP camera.
Last year after we visited the veggie farm we canned jalapenos using this recipe from pepperfool.com. We loved it so much that we did it again this year. Anything pickled is good in my book, and canning is a fun and not too challenging activity that you can enjoy all year around. Before you start, though, it's important to read up on the food safety aspects of canning.
Here's how it went:
We chose to use wide mouth quart Bell jars. They are a good size and the open top makes them easier to fill. You need the following equipment: jars with lids and rings, a really big pot, a smaller pot, jar grabbers (that's the technical term), and a pyrex or plastic quart-ish sized measuring cup with a pour spout.
Clean everything by hand. Really well. Lots of soap and water.
Sterilize the jars in boiling water
Clean the veggies well
Bring the vinegar to a boil, stuff the peppers into the jars with the garlic and bay leaf, and pour vinegar into the jars.
Let the jars sit for a few minutes to let the air escape
Preserve the jars by immersing them in boiling water, remember to adjust for your altitude. (Here in Tucson we needed 20 minutes to get them sealed up right)
Let the jars cool overnight. Check to ensure the jar is sealed by pushing on the top of the lid. It shouldn't pop in and out. If it does, throw it in the fridge and eat it soon.
This year we got 16 quart jars of jalapenos. They are wonderful - more flavorful than the stuff you get at the store. We use them in everything - quesadillas, nachos, on breakfast cereal... kidding. Sort of.
If you look closely above, you'll see we also tried our luck at canning green beans using this recipe from allrecipes.com. My best friend in Seattle attended a 'canning party' (awesome idea) and I got to try her green beans, which were really fantastic.
We got 8 quart jars of green beans out of 5 lbs of hand-picked beans. I don't know if I'll be able to wait a few weeks to try them. They look SO GOOD.